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Annual Meeting 2015

Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts

Whether you have new data to present or were unable to submit your abstract in February, you have the opportunity to submit an abstract for poster presentation during the 2015 meeting. Accepted late breaking abstracts will be assigned to Poster Session 2 on Tuesday. The accepted late breaking abstracts will be included in the online registration materials available to all attendees.

Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to bisakower@birthdefectsresearch.org by June 4, 2015.

Abstract submission is separate from meeting registration. Meeting registration is available at http://www.birthdefectsresearch.org/meetings/2015/re_in.asp.

Instructions for Abstract Submission
Abstracts are to be submitted by e-mail only to bisakower@birthdefectsresearch.org. If e-mail submission is impossible for any reason, please contact Becca Isakower at 703.438.3104. The preferred method is as an attached Word document. If you must use a different format please contact Becca Isakower at the telephone number or e-mail address above.

  1. Abstracts should be no more than 350 words in length—not including Title, Authors or Institutions. This limit includes all text, spaces and punctuation.
  2. Font size must be 11 point Arial.
  3. Do not indent the title. State authors' names using initials only for first and middle names. Include institution, city and state/country. Omit degrees, titles, institutional appointments, street addresses and zip codes. Underline the abstract title. (See sample format below.)
  4. The text of the abstract should consist of a single paragraph and start with a single tab indentation. The abstract should be factual and informative. It should adequately summarize the paper to be presented, including results and conclusions. Do not indicate that "results will be presented."
  5. The use of standard abbreviations is desirable (e.g., rbc, kg, mg). A special or unusual abbreviation should be placed in parentheses after the first appearance of the full word which it represents. Numerals rather than words should indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.
  6. Copies of the late-breaking abstracts presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting will be posted as part of the on-line registration materials.
  7. For questions or further instructions, send an e-mail message to bisakower@birthdefectsresearch.org or telephone 703.438.3104.

Format for single institution submissions 
Isakower B. Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, Reston, VA, United States. Single Institution Abstract Title

Take care to make sure that all italics, superscript, subscript, and any special characters are in place before submitting an abstract. Double check the list of authors for accuracy, order, and make sure that the presenting author is underlined.

Format for multiple institution submissions 
Isakower B1,2, Martin CD1, Smith AB2. 1Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, Reston, VA, United States, 2Review Office, Reston, VA, United States. Multiple Institution Abstract Title

Take care to make sure that all italics, superscript, subscript, and any special characters are in place before submitting an abstract. Double check the list of authors for accuracy, order, and make sure that the presenting author is underlined. Ensure that the correct author has the correct institutions noted after their name.



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