
Media Center

Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention 2023 Awardees, Award Finalists, and Special Lecturers, http://ow.ly/tC4H50NNSjI (4/23)

"Could the Next Blockbuster Drug Be Lab-Rat Free? Alternatives to animal testing are gaining momentum." Two BDRP members, Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer and Dr. Nicole zur Nieden, featured in New York Times article. http://ow.ly/TTJe50NheOj (3/23)

Diversifying the scientific toolkit: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences director Rick Woychik talks with BDRP member Nicole Kleinstreuer about how new approach methodologies can strengthen biomedical research. https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2023/3/feature/4-new-approach-methodologies (3/22)

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) report finds companies are neglecting to add folic acid to corn masa flour and corn tortillas, where doing so could help prevent birth defects and save lives. BDRP members Dr. Godfrey Oakley and Dr. Vijaya Kancherla among co-authors. https://www.cspinet.org/resource/failure-fortify (2/24)

BDRP Past President Elaine M. Faustman, PhD, DABT, ATS, of the University of Washington wins Society of Toxicology (SOT) Arnold J. Lehman Award for making major contribution to risk assessment and/or the regulation of chemical agents, including pharmaceuticals. https://toxchange.toxicology.org/blogs/joshua-gray1/2023/01/19/congratulations-to-the-2023-sot-award-recipients (1/23)

Reaffirming Our Commitment to Women’s Reproductive Rights: BDRP releases updated statement on decision in Dobbs V Jackson and access to reproductive health information and services. https://www.birthdefectsresearch.org/pubs/Updated_BDRP_Statement_Dobbs_Jan_2023.pdf (1/23)

Profile and some great advice from BDRP member Dr. Katie O'Shaughnessy. https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/meet-epa-molecular-biologist-katie-oshaughnessy-phd (11/22)

BDRP member Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer, receives 2022 National Institutes of Health Director's Award, in the Individual Scientific/Medical category, for leadership establishing an internationally harmonized guideline of non-animal methods that serves as a full replacement for an animal test. https://directorsawards.hr.nih.gov/awards/2022/ic/niehs/ (11/22)

BDRP past president Dr. Christina Chambers co-authors Mommy's Milk study featured on the cover of the October 2022 issue of Pediatric Research. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41390-021-01902-y (11/22)

Special issue of our journal Birth Defects Research focuses on advancing our understanding of the effects of cannabis use during pregnancy. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/24721727/2022/114/18 (11/22)

Special issue of our journal Birth Defects Research focuses on Stem Cells Models. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/24721727/2022/114/16 (10/22)

BDRP member Dr. Lena Smirnova and team receive $11.7 million, five-year Autism Center of Excellence grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research on gene-environment interactions using three-dimensional brain organoids. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/bloomberg-school-researchers-awarded-117-million-five-year-nih-grant-to-build-and-lead-autism-center-of-excellence-network (9/22)

New England Journal of Medicine article co-authored by past president Dr. Sonja Rasmussen: Protecting Pregnant People and Babies from the Health Effects of Climate Change https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2210221 (9/22)

BMJ paper co-authored by BDRP past president Dr. Sonja Rasmussen: Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2021-069741 (8/22)

Paper authored by several BDRP members published in our journal Birth Defects Research finds SARS-CoV2 infection in mothers does not have significant teratogenic effect. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220809/SARS-CoV-2-infection-in-mothers-does-not-have-a-significant-teratogenic-effect.aspx (8/22)

Past President Dr. Christina Chambers featured in the La Jolla Light Newspaper for her continued study of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy. http://ow.ly/Z7wy50K0oVU (7/22)

BDRP member Dr. Al Romeo visits KUTV 2News to talk about paternal exposures in pregnancy and fertility. http://ow.ly/aAjh50K0oSm (7/22)

Emory Researchers, including several BDRP members, urge for a World Health Assembly resolution on mandatory folic acid fortification to prevent birth defects worldwide. http://ow.ly/gt6N50K0oGO (7/22)

Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention issues statement on Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. http://ow.ly/gTiO50JToa2 (7/22)

Our Past President UC San Diego professor Dr. Christina Chambers lands continued support for studying the safety of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy. http://ow.ly/yP7W50JGFT8 (7/22)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen appears on WCJB TV20 News to talk about the new guidance on kids receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. http://ow.ly/Vr9Z50JGFw3 (7/22)

Our member Dr. Philip Lupo leads eye-opening study on Latino children and cancer relapse. https://www.oncozine.com/latino-children-may-face-higher-risk-of-relapse-of-all-compared-to-non-latino-white-children/ (5/22)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen provides a personal perspective on families affected by down syndrome to the Washington Post. http://ow.ly/rFae50IY5if (5/22)

In case you missed our member Dr. Al Romeo on KUTV 2News for World Birth Defects Day, here he is speaking about birth defects prevention. http://ow.ly/WzOv50INyOb (4/22)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers talks to 10 News ABC San Diego KGTV about COVID-19 and pregnancy. https://www.10news.com/news/coronavirus/in-depth-what-we-know-about-covid-and-pregnancy-after-two-years (4/22)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks about racial disparities in COVID-19 treatments in this Miami Herald article. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article258510993.html (3/22)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen sets the record straight re: #COVID19 #vaccines for kids. http://ow.ly/wYGe50IfnTM (3/22)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen weighs in on a COVID-19 vaccines and neurodegenerative disease study in this USA TODAY article.  http://ow.ly/RiBJ50HWHEv (2/22)

Our Past President Dr. Chris Curran talks about “BioArt”  to bring science out of the lab. https://laboutloud.com/2022/01/episode-259-bioart/ (2/22)

Our member Dr. Philip Lupo shares his expertise while on the frontlines of researching childhood. https://www.thelundreport.org/content/cancer-cases-kids-are-rising-some-experts-blame-toxic-chemicals (2/22)

Beauty in the eye of the scientist? Our Past President Dr. Chris Curran pens this illuminating article. https://theconversation.com/art-illuminates-the-beauty-of-science-and-could-inspire-the-next-generation-of-scientists-young-and-old-168925 (1/22)

Our own member Al Romeo, RN, PhD  talks to KUTV 2 News about getting an x-ray, MRI or CT scan during pregnancy.  http://ow.ly/HyYz50HuBtf (1/22)

“It’s unlikely genetics are behind the rising numbers … because genetics don’t work that quickly.” – BDRP member Dr. Philip Lupo on the rising cancer cases among children. Via @thelundreport https://www.thelundreport.org/content/cancer-cases-kids-are-rising-some-experts-blame-toxic-chemicals (12/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen helps to fact check false claims about the #COVID19 vaccine in USA Today article. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/12/02/fact-check-more-children-not-die-vaccine-than-covid-19/8740405002/ (12/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers on hydroxychloroquine exposure during pregnancy via Healio.com. https://www.healio.com/news/rheumatology/20211213/prenatal-hydroxychloroquine-exposure-not-linked-to-major-structural-birth-defects (12/21)

Our BDRP communications committee member Dr. Al Romeo discusses herbal supplements in pregnancy with KUTV 2 News https://kutv.com/features/health/baby-your-baby/baby-your-baby-herbal-supplements-in-pregnancy-and-breastfeeding (12/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen clears the air about vaccines and fertility via Fortune Magazine. https://fortune.com/2021/11/05/quarterback-aaron-rodgers-covid-19-vaccine-fertility-myth/ (12/21)

“I’m hopeful that our lives can return to normal.” - Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen via CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/24/disneys-encanto-vaccines-for-kids-raise-thanksgiving-box-office-hopes.html (12/21)

“I don’t see any red flags here that would have people concerned.’’ – Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen weighs in on the pediatric #COVID19 vaccine. https://www.ksn.com/news/health/coronavirus/pfizer-says-covid-19-vaccine-is-over-90-effective-in-kids-age-5-11/ (11/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers weighs in on a new study looking at a miscarriage prevention drug and possible heightened lifetime risk of cancer to the offspring. https://consumer.healthday.com/11-15-drug-used-to-prevent-miscarriage-may-raise-lifetime-cancer-risk-in-offspring-2655527636.html (11/21)

Our own member Dr. Sura Alwan shares her teratogen expertise in the DNA Podcast! http://dnapodcast.com/episodes//2021/10/29/160-sura-alwan-on-teratogens (11/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks pediatric COVID-19 vaccines to WRAL. https://www.wral.com/children-are-less-likely-to-die-from-covid-19-why-do-they-need-vaccination/19948788/ (11/21)

Our own Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen co-authors a new update on COVID-19 in pregnancy you won't want to miss. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937821009911 (11/21)

Babygaga.com turns to our society’s journal, Birth Defects Research, for its article on urinary tract infections. https://www.babygaga.com/utis-common-non-pregnant-people-/ (10/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers talks to 10 News San Diego about the exciting new results of her COVID-19 in breast milk study https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/new-ucsd-study-shows-no-serious-covid-vaccine-side-effects-in-nursing-moms-infants (10/21)

Our member and past F. Clarke Fraser Award recipient, Dr. Peixin Yang, talks to ANI News about his maternal diabetes and birth defects study https://www.aninews.in/news/health/mothers-diabetes-can-cause-birth-defects-study20210918223009/ (10/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen weighs in on the question many parents are having about the COVID-19 vaccine via The Huffington Post. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/covid-pfizer-vaccine-kids_l_6148bc64e4b077b735e93388 (10/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen provides a #COVID19 vaccine and variant update to Homeland Preparedness News podcast. @homelandprep https://homelandprepnews.com/podcast/72973-a-covid-19-update-with-dr-sonja-rasmussen/ (9/21)

A pill for postpartum #depression? Our member Dr. Katherine L. Wisner weighs in. https://www.insider.com/postpartum-depression-pill-zuranolone-safety-effectiveness-study-2021-6 (8/21)

Our member Nicole Kleinstreuer, PhD explains the work she’s doing on to reducing animal testing in science. https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2021/8/science-highlights/nonanimal-testing/index.htm (8/21)

Our Past President Anthony Scialli, MD talks to WUSA-TV about the COVID-19 vaccine and fertility. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/no-link-between-covid-vaccines-and-fertility/65-61131ddf-d3da-4bb0-a975-39b1b063666e (8/21)

Opioid use in pregnancy: It’s a big issue in the U.S. Our member Sarah Običan, MD provides her expertise to ABC 4 News. https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/addicted-america-babies-born-into-crisis (8/21)

A local CBS affiliate turns to our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen for expert info on the COVID-19 Delta Variant. https://mycbs4.com/news/local/protecting-children-from-the-delta-variant (7/21)

Our member Beth Conover, APRN, weighs in on a new vaping in pregnancy study. https://consumer.healthday.com/7-13-vaping-during-pregnancy-could-raise-odds-for-preemie-babies-2653715671.html (7/21)

We are always proud to recognize up & coming scientists. A student at Northern Kentucky University, Katelyn Clough, was one of our most recent honorees. Read why in this article.  https://www.nku.edu/news/2021/July/toxicology.html (7/21)

Many of our members are involved in high-profile research efforts, including our own Jose Cordero, MD & George Daston, PhD who are part of a working group on anti-racism. https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2021/3/science-highlights/council/index.htm (7/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christine Curran talks to @insiderhighered “Academic Minute” podcast series about traffic-pollution’s impact on the brain. Listen: https://www.insidehighered.com/audio/2021/06/29/watch-out-trap (7/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen once again lends her expertise to Rolling Stone magazine. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/even-pro-vaccine-parents-have-a-lot-of-questions-here-are-the-answers-we-found-1190709/  (7/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks to Bay News 9 via Zoom about kids getting the COVID-19 vaccine. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2021/05/24/covid-vaccinations-on-young-children-could-begin-this-fall (6/21)

Our Dr. Al Romeo talks treating allergies in pregnancy with KUTV 2 News. https://kutv.com/features/health/baby-your-baby/baby-your-baby-allergy-medications (5/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen answers questions about the research surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy for the Infectious Disease Advisor. https://www.infectiousdiseaseadvisor.com/home/topics/covid19/expert-insight-into-covid-19-vaccination-in-pregnant-and-nursing-women/ (5/21)

"I think all the data so far point to the fact that this seems to be good for the mom and the baby."- Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers shares her early COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy study results via 10-News.  https://www.10news.com/news/in-depth/in-depth-early-data-shows-covid-19-vaccine-safe-for-pregnant-women (4/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers talks to UCSD News about how a changing climate might lead to an increase in hazardous exposures during pregnancy. https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/feature/the-uncertainty-of-climate-change-is-hurting-us   (4/21)

Our member Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer co-edits a special issue of Chemical Research in Toxicology, a collection of computational toxicology. https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2021/3/papers/comp-tox/index.htm (4/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a University of Florida epidemiologist and pediatrician, talks to WJXT about COVID-19 vaccines and children. https://www.news4jax.com/video/morning-show/2021/04/10/vaccine-trials-for-children/

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers mentioned in the New York Times article about the COVID-19 vaccine in breast milk https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/08/health/covid-vaccine-breast-milk.html (4/21)

The Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention and our journal mentioned in this EatThisNotThat.com article. The reference is in regards to a popular issue on junk food’s impact on the adolescent brain. https://www.eatthis.com/news-dangerous-ingredients-energy-drinks/ (3/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks to WABE about COVID-19 vaccine safety in pregnancy. https://www.wabe.org/episode/what-we-know-about-covid-19-vaccines-and-pregnancy/ (3/21)

Dr. Peter Wells, recipient of the 2021 Warkany Lecturer award, recognized in a University of Toronto News article. https://pharmacy.utoronto.ca/news-announcements/peter-wells-receives-prestigious-lifetime-achievement-award (3/21)

I have a concern we will soon get to a point where we have more vaccine than people who want to get it.” – Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen on the COVID-19 vaccine in an interview with Kaiser Health News. https://khn.org/news/article/connecticut-covid-vaccine-eligibility-age-priority-under-65-chronic-conditions/ (3/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen provides LifeHacker.com some insight on landing a COVID-19 vaccine appointment. https://vitals.lifehacker.com/how-to-improve-your-chances-of-scheduling-a-covid-19-va-1846292340#challenges (2/21)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks to Popular Science about the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy. https://www.popsci.com/story/health/covid-19-vaccine-safety-for-pregnant-breastfeeding-fertility/ (2/21)

Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers talks to KPBS about the potential benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine while breastfeeding. Listen here: https://www.kpbs.org/news/2021/feb/10/covid-19-vaccine-beneficial-breastfed-babies/ (2/21)

Our Past President Dr. Anthony Scialli talks antibiotics during pregnancy and asthma to Healthday.
https://consumer.healthday.com/2-11-antibiotics-in-pregnancy-tied-to-higher-odds-for-asthma-in-kids-2650403446.html (2/21)

A rock star in her own right as a researcher, our BDRP Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen lends her expertise to Rolling Stone magazine. #science https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/covid-19-vaccine-travel-states-international-1128536/?fbclid=IwAR32kMXQOrx-KkesCvZlw53RKkrWnbbCvjjHvcD_6AT_0bpILWjuqoFy9gk (2/21)

“We have to figure out what needs to be fixed before this happens again.” - Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen on the pandemic response. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9176067/How-U-S-CDC-missed-chances-spot-COVIDs-silent-spread.html (1/21)

New study by our Past President, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, looks at COVID-19 transmission in pregnancy via Medpage Today. https://www.medpagetoday.org/infectiousdisease/covid19/90820?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2021-01-22&eun=g1263208d0r&utm_term=NL_Daily_DHE_dual-gmail-definition&vpass=1 (1/21)

Our Past President, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, & her recent research are mentioned in Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dishashetty/2021/12/29/what-we-know-about-covid-19-and-children-so-far/?sh=5b1c531d6b33 (1/21)

Our Past-President, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, and her recent paper on COVID-19 are featured in U.S. News and World Report article. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-01-04/pregnant-women-get-covid-vaccine-despite-lack-of-data (1/21)

Our member Dr. Philip Lupo is part of a team conducting the largest genomic assessment of children w/RMS & their cancer predisposition. Read what they’ve found so far in Baylor College of Medicine News: https://www.bcm.edu/news/genomic-assessment-of-cancer-predisposition-landscape-of-pediatric-rhabdomyosarcoma (12/20)

Delaying pregnancy during a health crisis? Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen lends her thoughts in this podcast episode. https://www.nejm.org/action/showMediaPlayer?doi=10.1056%2FNEJMdo005909&aid=10.1056%2FNEJMp2027940&area= (11/20)

Our member Dr. Katherine Wisner talks to HealthDay about the birth control pill and depression. https://consumer.healthday.com/b-11-12-birth-control-pill-wont-raise-depression-risk-2648806294.html (11/20)

“Women can feel pretty comfortable breastfeeding during the pandemic.” Our Past President Dr. Christina Chambers talks to The Scientist magazine. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/breastmilk-harbors-antibodies-to-sars-cov-2-68162 (11/20)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen joins WFTV in an on-camera interview about her involvement with the COVID-19 vaccine. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/florida-doctor-was-member-national-committee-covid-19-vaccination-plans/YOZYC3BD6ZH3XA5UBDQEAMJP7I/ (11/20)

Our Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen shares her expertise as a member of the Committee of Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus. https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2020/10/national-academies-release-framework-for-equitable-allocation-of-a-covid-19-vaccine-for-adoption-by-hhs-state-tribal-local-and-territorial-authorities (10/20)

Lack of drug testing safety in pregnancy: BDRP Past President Dr. Christina Chambers lends her expertise on the lack of drug testing safety in pregnancy to Salon.com. (10/20)

BDRP Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen provides expertise to South Coast Today on driving in a car if you have COVID-19. (10/20)

BDRP member, Dr. Janet Hardy, makes the case clear for better medication safety testing in pregnancy in this MDedge.com article. (9/20)

Many BDRP members were engaged with the work of the Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women to make these critical recommendations. (9/20)

Bevin Blake, PhD and Suzanne Fenton, PhD take a closer look at a chemical compound used to make Teflon and its potential impact on gestational weight gain and maternal liver damage in this Coastal Review online story. (9/20)

Homeland Preparedness News catches up with BDRP Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a former CDC pandemic specialist, in this podcast episode. (9/20)

Al Romeo, RN, PhD talks about vaccinations for pregnant and breastfeeding women during flu season on KUTV. (9/20)

Should women delay pregnancy during a pandemic? BDRP Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen examines this controversial question. (9/20)

Initial research co-authored by BDRP Past President, Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, doesn’t find COVID-19 transmission through breastmilk. (8/20)

More news coverage of the COVID-19 study/Dr. Chambers:

BDRP Past President Sonja Rasmussen, MD, lends her expertise on children and COVID-19 in this KTVU San Francisco article. (8/20)

Al Romeo, RN, PhD, MotherToBaby UT addresses FASD on KUTV Salt Lake City ahead of FASD Awareness Day 9/9. (8/20)

In the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, our Dr. Nicole Kleinsteuer speaks to The Texas Standard about the role of animal models in vaccine safety testing. (8/20) https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/the-role-transgenic-mice-play-in-the-race-for-a-covid-vaccine/

Past President Sonja Rasmussen, MD quoted in Science Magazine on when pregnant women should get the COVID-19 vaccine once available. (6/20)

BDRP member, Al “Nurse Al” Romeo, RN, PhD talks herbal supplements in the age of #COVID19 to KUTV. (5/20)

BDRP’s scientific journal, Birth Defects Research, was cited in this updated New York Times article on the importance of vaccination in pregnancy. (4/20)

Dr. Christine Curran, BDRP Past President, shares her personal efforts to educate her community about COVID-19 in this Cincinnati.com online op-ed. (4/20)

Past President Sonja Rasmussen, MD talks to The Guardian about COVID-19 in #pregnancy in this podcast. (4/20)

Past President Sonja Rasmussen, MD lends her expertise to the New Yorker on the importance of the communication from trained professionals during a pandemic. (4/20) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/05/04/seattles-leaders-let-scientists-take-the-lead-new-yorks-did-not 

Past President Sonja Rasmussen, MD provides insight into Kawasaki disease as a potential rare complication of COVID-19 in kids to NBC New York. (4/20)

These San Diego researchers are counterattacking COVID-19, and BDRP Past President Dr. Christina Chambers is one of them. (4/20)

Past President Dr. Sonja Rasmussen talks #COVID-19 and pregnancy to the Gainsville Sun. (3/20)

Past President Dr. Rich Miller weighs in on new research surrounding prenatal magnetic field exposure and #ADHD. (3/20)

Two BDRP Past-Presidents Drs. Sonja Rasmussen and Christina Chambers lend their expertise on COVID-19 in pregnancy (3/20) https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/26/new-reports-raise-possibility-pregnant-women-can-pass-coronavirus-to-fetus-but-risk-is-unclear/

BDRP Past President Dr. Christina Chambers launches first COVID-19 in pregnancy study (3/20) https://connection.birthdefectsresearch.org/p/bl/ar/blogaid=1382

Past President Sonja Rasmussen provides insight on COVID-19 in kids and what parents should know in University of Florida School of Medicine video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8bTikEQk_M, and discusses COVID-19 and pregnancy in Texas Tribune article, https://www.texastribune.org/2020/03/02/coronavirus-texas-cases-latest-updates-san-antonio/(3/20)

Sue Fenton, BDRP member and NIEHS toxicologist is one of three mentors honored by National Institutes of Health graduate student trainees (2/20) https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2020/2/awards-recognition/sue-fenton/index.htm

Philip Lupo, MD, BDRP member, co-authors CDC blog on genome-wide population studies (GWAS) in the quest to understand birth defects (1/27/20) https://blogs.cdc.gov/genomics/2020/01/27/genome-wide-association/

Peter Langlois, PhD, BDRP members, co-authors new study on Zika virus outbreak of 2016 (1/24/20) https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6903a3.htm?s_cid=mm6903a3_w

Scott Parnell, PhD, BDRP member, talks to WRAL-TV about CBD exposure in pregnancy (1/2/20) https://www.wral.com/cbd-pot-could-be-as-bad-as-alcohol-for-your-unborn-baby/18815507/
5 Tips for Birth Defects Prevention BDRP helped develop featured on NBC 2 (1/2/20) https://nbc25news.com/news/local/mdhhs-offers-5-tips-for-preventing-birth-defects-during-national-birth-defects-prevention

Bevin Blake, BDRP member and doctoral student student, recognized with IMPACT Award for research that will provide critical Information to better understand GenX and PFOS effects on maternal, fetal and placental outcomes (2019) https://gradschool.unc.edu/news/2019/impact/awards.html

Nicole Kleinstreuer, PhD, BDRP Councilor, weighs in on AI and its impact on environmental health (12/4/19)  https://simplystatistics.org/2019/12/04/is-artificial-intelligence-revolutionizing-environmental-health/

Nicole Kleinstreuer, PhD, BDRP Councilor, lends her expertise on advancing new nonanimal testing technologies via NIEHS (11/19) https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2019/11/science-highlights/animal-testing/index.htm  

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President , leads the pregnancy studies project at our sister society @MotherToBaby (11/22/19) https://www.rheumatologyadvisor.com/home/rheumatoid-arthritis-advisor/oral-corticosteroid-use-associated-with-preterm-birth-in-ra/

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President , talks about the rise of marijuana use among pregnant women to KUSI-TV in San Diego (11/5/19)

Sonja Rasmussen, MD, BDRP Past President, featured in in-depth Florida Gators article (2019) https://www.uff.ufl.edu/gators/superhero-small-planet/

BDRP’s Birth Defects Research journal cited in this Healio article (9/30/19) https://www.healio.com/primary-care/womens-health/news/online/%7Ba0c06436-8a45-4529-85d0-e739827b757b%7D/explain-the-science-pcps-can-improve-flu-vaccine-uptake-among-pregnant-women

Sarah Obican, MD, BDRP member, talks about alcohol and opioids in pregnancy on The MotherToBaby Podcast’s 7th and 8th episodes (9/19, 10/19)  http://bit.ly/MTBPodcast

Sonja Rasmussen, MD, BDRP Past President, talks about vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding on The MotherToBaby Podcast’s 5th and 6th episodes (8/19, 9/19)  http://bit.ly/MTBPodcast

Al Romeo, PhD, RN, BDRP member from MotherToBaby UT, talks alcohol use in pregnancy to KUTV 2 News in Salt Lake City, UT (8/23/19) https://kutv.com/features/health/baby-your-baby/byb-podcast-alcohol-use-before-and-during-pregnancy

Bevin Blake, BDRP member and doctoral student student, is winner of 2020 NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (8/19) https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2019/8/awards-recognition/research-excellence/index.htm

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President, talks about marijuana and alcohol exposures in DailyMail.com article (7/23/19) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7276819/Marijuana-pregnancy-just-damaging-alcohol-studies-find.html

Al Romeo, PhD, RN, BDRP member from MotherToBaby UT, talks about FASD support groups to KUTV 2 News in Salt Lake City, UT (7/9/19)

Sonja Rasmussen, MD, BDRP Past President, co-authors an op-ed for STAT News on the Ebola vaccine in pregnancy (6/13/19)

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President lends her expertise on medication use during breastfeeding in NY Times Parenting article (6/7/19) https://parenting.nytimes.com/feeding/breastfeeding-medications

Sarah Obican, MD, BDRP member, performs an innovative surgical procedure on both mom and baby during a high-risk delivery (6/3/19) https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/blog/2019/06/03/the-usf-health-fetal-care-center-of-tampa-bays-multidisciplinary-team-performs-third-successful-exit-procedure/

Al Romeo, PhD, RN, BDRP member from MotherToBaby UT MotherToBaby Utah talks about herbal products on The MotherToBaby Podcast’s 1st episode (5/19) http://bit.ly/MTBPodcast

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President, talks about marijuana exposure on The MotherToBaby Podcast’s 3rd episode (5/19) http://bit.ly/MTBPodcast

Dee Quinn, CGC, BDRP member, talks about maternal mental health on The MotherToBaby Podcast’s 4th episode (5/19) http://bit.ly/MTBPodcast

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President, responds to Motherisk closure in Canadian Broadcast Corporation story (4/16/19) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/motherisk-shutting-down-1.5100642

Anthony Scialli, MD, BDRP Past President, talks with Healthday regarding the safety of herbal supplements in pregnancy, article picked up by WebMD (4/10/19) https://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20190410/study-avoid-using-herbal-products-in-pregnancy#1

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, BDRP Past President, lends her expertise on medications in breastmilk to Healthday (4/3/19) https://consumer.healthday.com/women-s-health-information-34/breast-feeding-news-82/is-that-medication-safe-when-breastfeeding-744632.html

Anick Berárd, PhD, BDRP member, talks fluconazole in pregnancy in Healio.com article (3/4/19) http://bit.ly/2UhNIXY   

Member Nicole C. Kleinstreuer Receives Prestigious 2019 SOT Achievement Award (1/10/19)

Past President, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen lends expertise in NPR All Things Considered interview: “Severe Flu Raises Risk Of Birth Problems For Pregnant Women, Babies” (1/10/19)

Member Dr. Madhumita Basu, PhD, featured in news story: High blood sugar during pregnancy influences fetal heart development (12/22/18)

Michiko Watanabe, PhD, editor of the Birth Defects Research special issue on the maternal environment, quoted in Earth.com regarding the special issue's findings (12/21/18)

Al Romeo, RN, PhD, talks about antidepressants during pregnancy and breastfeeding on KUTV (12/21/18)

Al Romeo, RN, PhD, talks about asthma and pregnancy on KUTV’s Baby Your Baby television segment (11/16/18)

Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Past President was cited in dozens of news articles regarding the latest study surrounding marijuana in breast milk including:
The Boston Globe (8/30/18)
The New York Times (8/27/18)
Inverse (8/27/18)
Fox News (8/27/18)

Anthony Scialli, MD, Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Past President, was featured in a U.S. News & World Report article on marijuana and morning sickness (8/20/18)

Dr. Christina Chambers among co-authors of new paper in JAMA on study suggesting that the rate of children affected by drinking during pregnancy may be higher than previously thought (2/6/18)

Robert J. Kavlock Receives 2018 SOT Merit Award (2/6/18)

New UNC-Chapel Hill Study Links Low Carbohydrate Intake to Increased Risk of Birth Defects (1/25/18)

Birth defects experts to present free webinar on opioids in pregnancy (1/24/18)

Dr. Russell Kirby tracks neonatal abstinence syndrome in the opioid epidemic (1/22/18)

Iodine deficiency may reduce pregnancy chances, NIH study led by Dr. James Mills suggests (1/11/18)

JAMA study says more pregnant women are using marijuana; television news interview featuring Dr. Christina Chambers (12/28/17)

Scientists invited to build computer models that predict toxicity, featuring Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer (12/13/17)

WVU opens new inhalation facility, $1.7 million NIH grant investigates effects of inhaled particles in health (Study director Timothy Nurkiewicz) (10/19/17)

Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Members Active in Zika Response (2015-2016)

April 22, 2024—Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Announces 2024 Awardees, Award Finalists, and Special Lecturers

May 18, 2023—Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Announces 2023 Awardees, Award Finalists, and Special Lecturers

May 4, 2022—Top Birth Defects Researchers to Convene in Vancouver

June 1, 2021—New Study Using Machine Learning Shows Promise in Predicting Birth Defects Cases

May 4, 2021—From Innovation to Application, Cutting-Edge Birth Defects Research to Be Recognized

February 23, 2021—New Studies Suggest Newborns are Healthier if Mom ‘Moderately’ Exercises during Pregnancy

June 16, 2020—Diverse Birth Defects Research and the Science of Tomorrow to Be Recognized

June 1, 2020—Free COVID-19 Webinar Headlines Birth Defects Research Virtual Annual Meeting

July 23, 2019—New Studies Suggest Prenatal Marijuana Exposure May Be Capable of Inducing FASD-Like Impairment

June 18, 2019—From Climate Change’s Effects in Pregnancy to Gestational Marijuana Use, Top Scientists Present Latest Research

April 16, 2019—From Bench to Bedside, Spectrum of Birth Defects Research to Be Recognized

January 2, 2019—Teratology Experts Unveil 5 Effective Ways to Prevent Birth Defects

December 21, 2018—New Insight into What a Mother Gives to her Baby in the Womb besides Genes

August 14, 2018—Advances in 3-D Printing Launch a Promising Future for Birth Defects Treatments

June 19, 2018—Top Birth Defects Researchers Converge in Clearwater to Discuss Zika, Opioids

May 1, 2018—Frozen Embryo Transfer versus Fresh Embryo Transfer: What’s Riskier?

April 30, 2018—Scientists to Be Recognized as They Present Latest Research in Birth Defects

December 18, 2017—New Data Shows Junk Food, Energy Drinks May Pose Unique Risks for Teens

July 17, 2017—Study Shows Newer Antiepileptic Drugs and Mood Stabilizers May be Safer Choice during Pregnancy

June 26, 2017—Marijuana Safety in Pregnancy: Researchers Descend on Denver to Discuss Latest Data

April 26, 2017—Scientists to Be Recognized as They Present Research on Zika, Cocaine in Pregnancy

March 15, 2017—Pregnancy Infection Concern Rises with Resurgence of Syphilis, Emergence of Zika

December 29, 2016—Series of New Studies Shed Light on Sex Determination in Human Development

November 16, 2016—New Study Shows Decrease in Critical Birth Defects Prevention Programs

June 27, 2016—Symposium, Series of New Studies Aim to Raise Awareness of Drug Abuse in Pregnancy

June 20, 2016—Brazilian Scientists Head to San Antonio, Set to Unveil New Zika Research

April 20, 2016—Scientists Honored for Making Monumental Strides in Birth Defects Research

December 28, 2015—New Studies Suggest Microorganisms in the Womb Set Stage For Childhood and Adulthood Diseases

June 18, 2015—Examining dads’ influence on babies’ health French

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